Sapphire (family room)
  • 객실정보:
    객실유형 :커플룸
    객실집기 : 침대, 에어컨, 화장대, TV, 옷장, 위성방송, 식탁, 티테이블, 주방, 핫플레이트, 냉장고, 전자레인지, 무선주전자, 드라이기, 무선인터넷 가능(노트북 지참), 화장실, 비데, 샤워시설 등
    “Memory ”
    How about taking a "green shower" before going back to the busy life?
    I will use it when I need a refreshing tour
    I listen to birds chirping and breathe the fresh air
    I was bored and needed a change of pace.
    The area is famous for its scenic walks, peaceful, well-stocked lakes and abundant bird life.